Curl for Wishes goes April 11-13


The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada’s Prince Edward Island Chapter along with the organizing committee has announced the 2013 edition of “Vogue Optical Curl for Wishes”, billed as “PEI’s most entertaining curling event of the season”. Island curlers of all ability of play will have an opportunity to curl with some of Canada’s highest profiled curlers. This year’s event is on April 11-13, 2013 at the Charlottetown Curling Complex. The cost to register is $650 for a 4 person team. To register phone (902) 566-5526 or e-mail

This year’s registration includes opening night reception hosted at Hunters Ale House, minimum of 4 – 4 end games, celebrity skip, Molson Trivia and Mussels, supper on Friday and lunch on Saturday provided by Hunter’s Ale House, live entertainment both evenings, and closing awards presentation at the Charlottetown Curling Club. Each individual will be entered into an elimination draw in lieu of a take home gift for a chance to participate in the Draw to the Button for $50,000.

Once again this year, Best Western Charlottetown will be the Host Hotel for the event. Rooms can be booked by contacting the Best Western at 892-2461 or by calling 1-888-422-6232 and identifying themselves as participants in the Vogue Optical Curl for Wishes.

This year’s Vogue Optical Curl for Wishes will have everything from horses and lassos to duck calls and “sammiches” as two worlds collide with “Cowboys and Rednecks”. Dust off your cowboy boots and wrangle up the troops or cut off your jeans and put in a chew. Who knows what you will see at Friday’s theme night. At the end of the evening the best or maybe worst dressed team will be the winner.

Several options are available to assist teams in meeting fundraising goals: Pledge Sheets and “Winter Savings” Raffle Tickets, both available at the Children’s Wish Foundation Office. 100% of ticket sales go to team total.

To print off registration forms click on the following:

For more information on event sponsor Vogue Optical click on the link:

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