Drop-in curling at the Silver Fox, Charlottetown, and Cornwall


The Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside are running “Drop-In” Curling on Wednesday nights at 8 pm. It’s fun, and no experience is necessary. For $10 you get a game of curling, a beverage, and munchies. Contact the Fox at 436-2153 to register.

The Cornwall Curling Club have $10 Drop-In curling on selected Friday nights, beginning at 7 pm. The next date reserved for this is November 29. Signup at the Club or just show up!

The Charlottetown Curling Complex has Ocean 100 curling night on Thursdays at 7 pm. Members can play for FREE and guests pay just $10. Email chtowncurling@gmail.com or call 902-892-7467 for more info

Note that most curling facilities also accept drop-in curlers for spares on regular draws. Drop-in fee applies.

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