PEI Junior curler victim of snowmobile accident

The PEI curling community was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing, as the result of a snowmobile accident on Wednesday, of Kevin Michael Gallant, 18, of Bloomfield Corner. Gallant was a long-time former member of the Matthew MacLean junior men’s rink who curled out of the Maple Leaf Curling Club in O’Leary, and are currently curling with the Cornwall Curling Club and the Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club  The MacLean team are determined to continue with this year’s provincial juniors championship, which starts this evening. Gallant was not on this year’s roster.

If necessary, Curl PEI and the host Silver Fox Curling and Yacht Club will make schedule changes to accommodate the MacLean rink during this trying time.  PEI curlers extend their sympathies to the Gallant family, the Maple Leaf, Cornwall and Silver Fox curling clubs, and to members of both the Matthew and Amanda MacLean rinks involved in the provincial junior championship this weekend.

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