Stick Curling Demos – Give it a try!

stickcurldemo2Stick Curling is a fun game for those who find the physical demands of regular curling challenging.

Give it a try at one of our free stick curling demos.

No previous curling experience is required
No equipment needed – just a clean pair of shoes
For more information call Curl PEI @ 368-4208

Locations, dates, times:

Crapaud CCC Jan. 22 10am-1pm
Western CCC (Alberton) Jan. 23 10am-1pm
Maple Leaf CC (O’Leary) Jan. 24 10am-1pm
Montague CC Jan. 28 10am-1pm
Cornwall CC Jan. 30 1pm-3pm
Charlottetown CC Feb. 6 10am-1pm

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