The Advantage Communications Little Rocks Jamboree took place on Saturday at the Montague Curling Club, with 35 young curlers taking part.
(Photo) Participants and helpers of the 2017 Advantage Communications Little Rocks Jamboree held in Montague on Saturday.
The winners of the event were “Larry’s Leprechauns”: Sydney Carver, Michaela MacLean, and Victoria McDonald, shown with helper Veronica Smith (right)
2nd Place: Team N. Shaw, Nate Peric, Sean Peric, and Nate Shaw with helper Sabrina Smith on the right.
3rd Place: “The Pirates” – Keegan Warnell, Logan Proud, Madalyn Easter, and Kenna Warnell with helper Chase MacMillan on the left
Jacob Dalton (left), winner of the draw to the button contest (27.94 cm), with helper Chase MacMillan.
The team names were decided on by the teams prior to their first game. During the day the participants played 3 – 3 ends games on ice, one game of FloorCurling, a skills activity, played Wii, played some board games, competed in a draw to the button, and had snacks and lunch. It ran from 10am-4pm.
Curl PEI is hosting a Little Rock Jamboree on March 25 at the Montague Curling Club. Register by March 17 by emailing We are pleased to welcome Advantage Communications as the sponsor for the Jamboree. PEI’s Little Rock Jamboree is designed for curlers under 13 who are not on a…
The Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside is hosting a Little Rocks Jamboree, aimed at Little Rockers and new curlers age 6-13. Everybody (all clubs) welcome. The Jamboree takes place Tuesday March 22 from 10 am to 3 pm, and the cost of only $5 per curler includes…
The Silver Fox Curling & Yacht Club in Summerside is hosting a Little Rocks Jamboree, aimed at Little Rockers and new curlers age 6-13. Everybody (all clubs) welcome. The Jamboree takes place Tuesday March 22 from 10 am to 3 pm, and the cost of only $5 per curler includes…