Celebration Gala for Brett Gallant

The Charlottetown Curling Club is pleased to announce an evening to celebrate Brett Gallant. On Saturday, June 24th, they will be hosting a reception and dinner to honour his amazing accomplishments of winning both the Brier and the World Men’s Curling Championship in the same year with Team Gushue. 

They invite you to come out and join the celebration. The evening will start with piping the guest of honour in to a reception in the lounge area, where guests will enjoy conversation and a selection of seafood including mussels, chowder and oysters.

Guests will then join Brett and his family, along with various dignitaries, in a delicious dinner of lobster, ham, rolls, potato salad, coleslaw and sweets, prepared by the St. John’s United Church women’s group in Mt Stewart.

They will be transforming the upstairs room at the club into a banquet for 170, including a bar, a stage and a head table. The overflow of up to 100 guests will be seated downstairs in the lounge. Video cameras and screens will be used to project images of Brett’s rise to stardom and ensure all  guests have a good view of the proceedings.

Because space upstairs is limited, they encourage you to take advantage of the early bird ticket price until June 3rd.


6pm  Seafood Reception

7pm  Lobster & Ham Dinner

9:15pm Local Entertainment  (19 +)

Tickets can be purchased by:

email cccgala2017@gmail.com
phone: call the CCC 902.892.7467 and leave a message
in person at the CCC 11am – 2pm Saturday, May 27th and June 3rd

All the latest breaking news and updates will be posted on the event Facebook page which they are inviting everyone to follow and like:


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