Special Ammonia and Freon Safety Training Course for PEI Arenas and Curling Rinks

To be held on April 9 and April 10, 2018

This Ammonia and Freon Safety Training will include “Basic Refrigeration Maintenance” with an elaboration on all points specifically pertaining to Ammonia and Freon Safety. Policy and procedures will be emphasized. A practical component will be included for participants to go the machinery room to see the various points presented during the classroom session in a real-life environment.

Photo:  Cornwall Curling Club ice plant

3 Locations to choose from:.

Evangeline Recreation Centre, Abram’s Village: Monday April 9th from 9:30 am to noon

Credit Union Place, Summerside: Monday April 9th from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Bell Aliant Centre, Charlottetown: Tuesday April 10th at 9:30 am to noon


There is no registration fee for this course and a coffee break will be included. Funded through the PEI Department of Health and Wellness, Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Division

An ammonia leak in a Fernie BC arena last fall resulted in three deaths. An ongoing investigation in the Fernie incident may have criminal and civil actions arising. For the safety of all staff and users, attendance of all rink employees (managers and operators) is highly recommended by the Department of Communities, Land and Environment – Inspection Services.


Please forward your contact information to Recreation PEI

Tel: 902-892-6445.   Fax:  902-368-4548.   Email: [email protected] 



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