Curl PEI seeking Executive member candidates

We invite you to put your name forward as a candidate for the Executive of Curl PEI.  

We would ask you to review the below information to see if you would be interested in putting your name forward as a candidate to serve as a member of the Curl PEI Executive in this year or in a future year.

Curl PEI

The Association

Curl PEI is responsible for overseeing the game of curling in Prince Edward Island.  It is the official regulating and operating body of curling throughout the province of PEI.  Our objective is to foster, encourage, promote and administer the development and growth of curling in the province in cooperation with our network of affiliates.  We have seven affiliate clubs that we assist in addition to our competitive teams that represent us throughout Canada and the World.

Curl PEI employs an Executive Director, who is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the organization, under the direction of the Executive.

Activities and Program Highlights

The Association oversees and/or coordinates a variety of activities and programs including:

  • hosting Championship events (13) in the curling season; 
  • obtaining programming grants and overseeing or running such programs, e.g. New Horizons for Seniors Program; Curling for Newcomers; 
  • liaising with Curling Canada and implementing national programs, e.g. Little Rocks; Elite Athlete Development, Sport Performance Training Program; and, 
  • promoting and hosting operational courses, e.g. Business of Curling Symposium; Sport and Law; Sport PEI Governance Workshop.


Curl PEI is a not-for-profit association operating out of the Royalty Centre in Charlottetown. Funding sources include the Provincial Government, sport grants, sponsor funding, association dues and competitor fees.  Curl PEI operates very efficiently on a tight budget and currently has investments in addition to the annual operating budget.  The association carries Directors and Officers insurance.

Executive Profile

Executive Composition and Duties

The Executive are volunteer positions and officers are elected to the Executive for 1-year terms.  Currently, the Association is comprised of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President.  

President:  The President calls Executive meetings, presides at all Executive and Association meetings, is responsible for the direction of the Executive and is the main spokesperson for the Association. 

First Vice President: The First Vice-President attends all general, special, and executive meetings, and in the absence of the President, act as Chair and assume the duties and powers of the President.

Second Vice President: Second Vice President: As noted above and in the absence of the President and First Vice President, acts as Chair and assumes the duties and powers of the President.

Secretary: The Secretary attends all general, special, and executive meetings; prepares and preserves the minutes and records of all meetings; prepares and sends notices of meetings; keeps and preserves correspondence, contracts and other important records; and files annual returns, changes in the Executive, amendments to the By-laws and other incorporating documents with the Corporate Registry.

Treasurer: The Treasurer attends all general, special, and executive meetings; keeps the financial statements and supervises spending monies, including signing cheques; works with the auditors on the audit of the financial statements; and presents the financial reports to the Executive and the AGM; and presides at all meetings in the absence of the President and Vice Presidents.

Past President: The Past President attends all general, special, and board meetings; and may carry out other duties/projects as requested by the Executive.

Curl PEI seeks nominees for Executive positions representing each age group, gender and region of the province.  Our objective is to have Executive continuity and a leadership path through re-offering over multiple years.  

 Powers of the Executive

The Executive conducts and oversees all business on behalf of the Association. This includes policies, procedures, and rules for managing the affairs of the Association, disciplinary issues, dispute resolution as well as interpretation of any By-law that governs the Association.  The Executive may establish committees, appoint members of committees and delegate any of its powers, duties, and functions to any committee.

The Process

Candidates stand for nomination at the Annual General Meeting; this year the AGM is Monday, October 15th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., Royalty Centre, 40 Enman Crescent, Room 149

The Nomination Committee will bring forward a slate of candidates for election to the Executive positions.  In addition, other persons may be nominated from the floor. Voting occurs at the AGM and the results are effective immediately.

Executive and Board Meeting Schedule

The Executive meets approximately once every two months, and as business may require.  In addition, the Executive calls a meeting with club member representatives approximately once every three months (1 AGM and 3 meetings).   Special initiatives or committees, as established by the Executive, may require additional participation.  Meetings may be conducted in person or by teleconference.

Next Steps

If you love curling and want to influence the success and survival of the sport in PEI, then take the next step and put your name forward!  Please respond by Thursday, October 4th.

Direct Contact 

Curl PEI:  40 Enman Crescent, Charlottetown, PE C1E 1E6


Call: 902 368 4208

Search Committee Member Contact

Andrew Robinson –  

Sandy Matheson –

Bill Harper –

Angela Hodgson –

Amy Duncan –   

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Simply insert your name and indicate when you would like to put your name forward and send it to the general email address


Thank you,

Curl PEI Nomination Committee 2018


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