Curl Moncton Winter Spiel (U15 / U18) – January 31-February 2, 2020

A U18/U15 Winter Spiel will be held at Curl Moncton  January 31 to February 2, 2020. Entry fee is $160 per team.

They will have divisions by age and gender and each team will play a minimum of four games. The first draw will be 6 pm on Friday so that most teams can travel without missing school.

Please register early using the registration form.

Cheques made payable to Curl Moncton

E-transfers to

Registration forms to:

David Pugsley

Registration Deadline : January 10, 2020

Please contact the organizer, David Pugsley, if you have any questions:

David Pugsley

(506) 866-5693

Registration form: Winter Spiel Registration Form

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