Registration is now open for the PEI Mixed Doubles Curling Championship, which takes place January 15 -19, 2021 at the Cornwall Curling Club. Starting and ending dates may vary slightly depending on the number of teams that sign up. There is a short registration period, with an entry deadline is Dec. 23, 2020 at 11:59 pm. Entry fee is $90 per two-person team.
Competitors may be of any age.
Each team shall have one male and one female player. The male and female players shall play alternate positions in the team’s delivery rotation and positions may change from end to end. If a player is unable to complete a game, the affected team automatically forfeits that game.
Only coaches who are Club Coach Trained; Intro Comp Coach Trained; or old Level 1 Certified and listed on a team’s registration form may access the ice surface during the event.
The 2021 Canadian Mixed Doubles is currently scheduled to be held beginning mid-March in Calgary, AB. If your team is interested in knowing more about the national event protocols before entering this event please email Amy Duncan at
All competitions will adhere to the PEI Public Health Guidance and Curl PEI’s Operational Plan. Events may be cancelled at any time.
Entries must be made online at