Cornwall offering at least $1000 in prize money with new Saturday mini-league open to PEI teams

Check. This. Out. !! 
Saturdays are…. Playday Paydays at the Cornwall Curling Club!! 
A chance to get some weekend curling time before the new year… and WIN cash! 
Minimum $1,000.00 in prize money to be awarded!! 
An OPEN mini-league (1/2 season) to run 8 sessions over 8 weeks on Saturdays at 6:30 pm, starting October 23rd and ending December 18th. (See dates below) . 

Deadline to Register: Friday, October 15th at 9 pm. 
 *Everyone welcome! 
You do not need to be a Cornwall Curling Club member to participate. OPEN to all Island teams! Team entry at $400.00+HST — not limited to four curlers (this is much like the commercial league format) in order to allow for players who may be travelling on weekends to have coverage. 

Sept. 30 update: We have received some interest, as well as feedback from teams that would prefer an earlier start time (we had proposed 6:30 pm, for consistency) each week. We have a 1:30 pm timeslot available on many of the weekends, right after the U16 league, which would actually work better for us, and are now proposing the following times:

October 23rd, 30th, Nov 6th, 27th, plus Dec 11th and 18th at 1:30 pm

Dec 4th at 6:30 pm (We are scheduling our Mixed Doubles Spiel on that day)

Nov 20th at 8:30 pm as noted previously (Ice Queens spiel that day)

No curling on Nov 13th as noted previously (O’Connor Glass U16 that day).

We are thinking the afternoon timeslot (when possible) would still give curlers their mornings and evenings for family, errands etc…and would also be welcoming to for friends, family, and fans to watch (as long as we are within our capacity number under our Return To Play plan) 

We would like to ask teams, both those who have already entered and those who may be thinking of entering, if they would be interested in signing up for games at the above times, as opposed to the original schedule.

Please send your feedback to our manager at:

Previously-suggested times:

Saturdays before Christmas : 
October 23rd, 30th, 
November 6th, 20th, 27th, 
December 4th, 11th, 18th 

~No curling on November 13th 
~Draw times for Nov 20th will be 8:30 pm. 
~Min 8 teams are required for registration for this league to run. 
~First 8 teams registered will get into the 6:30 draw. 
~If 8 more teams enter we will have a Playday Payday 2! New teams, new draw at 8:30 pm! New prize handout of $1,000.00! Teams from the 6:30 pm draw will be welcome to join this draw if it doesn’t fill up with new teams. 

*Junior teams will be allowed to curl in this league if spots are available upon registration end date of October 18th. In the case of multiple interested Junior teams and fewer spots than interested Junior teams, a skill assessment may be required, and playability approval of a 3-person evaluation committee.

Register at:
Or by email to 

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