Mardi Gras Funspiel, sponsored by Provincial Auto Parts

Sponsored by NAPA Provincial Auto Parts, the Summerside Rotary Club’s annual Mardi Gras curling funspiel will be held on March 7-9 (Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday) at the Silver Fox Curling Club in Summerside, with proceeds going to Rotary’s ‘Strive’ scholarship program and Rotary Community Projects. Each year Summerside Rotary provides five $1000 scholarships to local high school graduates. The Mardi Gras has become the key fundraiser for these scholarships.
$180 per team, 6 end games, 3 games guaranteed. No curling experience necessary.
Please sign up at the Silver Fox Curling Club by March 1st
5 participants will have a chance to draw to the button for $50,000, sponsored by Hickey and Hyndman Insurance
Saturday is “Dress up Day, with prizes for the most uniquely-dressed team.
On Friday night they will have steamed mussels, sponsored by Spring Valley Building Centre and The Dental Centre. As well, on Saturday evening participants will be treated to a hip-of-beef dinner, sponsored by Key Murray Law, and Moase Funeral Home.
Lounge entertainment Friday and Saturday night.
Rotary Pancake Breakfast on Saturday from 8-11 am: $7 per person
In recent years there have been 40 teams entered, and organizers expect those spots to fill up quickly this year as well. The fun-filled weekend of curling and fellowship also coincides with the annual pancake breakfast. So please, sign your teams up quickly and don’t miss out!

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