Murphy’s Pharmacies Ice Queens Women’s Funspiel

The annual Murphy’s Ice Queens Women’s Funspiel takes place Saturday, Nov 21 2020 at the Cornwall Curling Club, and is a great way to kick off the curling season! This event is open to female curlers from all clubs, and is a Single Entry event this year, $35 per player. 3 games guaranteed!

Signup deadline: Friday November 13 at 5 pm.  Contact the Cornwall Curling Club at [email protected] or sign up at the Cornwall club. Please provide your name, phone number, email, and which position you would prefer to play.

A maximum of 48 curlers are permitted,  First draw is at 9 am and the event should wrap up around 7 pm.

Prizes, continental breakfast, soup and sandwich lunch, baskets, drink specials and more! Dinner plans TBA.

Gluten-free/veggie option available. Please let the organizers know via email if you require this option.

A day of fun and laughs guaranteed!


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