Stu Sells 1824 Halifax Classic


The Halifax Curling Club will be hosting the third annual Stu Sells 1824 Halifax Classic from November 12-15, 2020. This will be a WCT sanctioned event and the format will again be triple knockout.

Due to the COVID pandemic, the number of team entries may be limited to less than 20 and the purse will be determined based on the total team entries. Cut off for registration was August 31. The team entry was $1,000 and post-dated cheques (dated Oct.15, 2020) were to be mailed to Halifax Curling Club, 948 South Bland Street, Halifax B3H 2S5  Att. Stu Sells 1824 Halifax Classic. 

Cancellations after Oct.15, 2020 will only be accepted due to imposed travel restrictions or mandatory 14-day isolation for teams outside the region.

The new World Curling Tour Site is under construction. More information on the event to be available at: WCT – Stu Sells 1824 Halifax Classic

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