Cheryl Bernard’s team to call it quits at season-end (Calgary Herald)

Cheryl Bernard

Photograph by: Larry Wong, Larry Wong/Edmonton Journal/Canwest

By Allen Cameron, Calgary Herald. It may very well be the most amicable and friendly team breakup in curling history.

Sunday night over dinner and wine at chef Michael Noble’s trendy restaurant Notable, Cheryl Bernard’s Olympic silver-medal winning women’s curling team decided it will part ways at the end of this season.

The team was expected to make the announcement official Tuesday morning with a news release, but Bernard confirmed Monday afternoon she, third Susan O’Connor, second Carolyn Darbyshire, lead Cori Morris and coach Dennis Balderston are heading in different directions after the Grand Slam Players’ Championships in April, following six seasons together.

“Nothing could match it, and that’s kind why we thought, why ruin it?” said Bernard. “We all realize that things have changed, and we know that what would ruin it would be trying to keep it going forever. I watched Randy Ferbey’s team, and I thought it was kind of sad in the end, because they were such an amazing team, and they all still were amazing players in the end, but I think they tried too long to be that same team, and people just change.”

Click for full story in the Calgary Herald

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