28th annual Curl for Cancer-Dec. 9-10 at the Charlottetown Curling Club

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you are invited to come out and participate in the 28th annual Curl for Cancer fundraiser. Curl, bid on some great items in the silent and live auctions, test your trivia knowledge, purchase some homemade baked goods, or just come out and cheer on your favorite teams at this annual event. Last year, $7000 was raised, with all funds going directly to the Canadian Cancer Society – PEI Division.

Teams of families, friends and co-workers are invited to play. Contact Lisa Jackson at  621-0939 to register to curl. Cost is $20 per person (tax receipts available). You play one six-end game.

The general public are invited to come and watch, and participate in the auctions,  bake sale, and trivia. You can also make an online donation by visiting the following web page:


For the latest information, visit their Facebook page (click the link, or search for “Curl for Cancer”).

Curl for Cancer began at the Charlottetown Curling Club back in 1984, founded by Carol Kennedy as a memorial to Donald Matheson. The event has been held every year since, and has spread to curling clubs all over the world, raising money for the fight against cancer.


Friday Dec. 9: Trivia, with prizes and munchies, starting at 6:30. Cost: $5 per person. Live charity auction with auctioneer Gerard Murphy of Ocean 100, beginning at 8 pm.

Saturday December 10: Curling draws from 9 am to 6:30 pm. $20 per person. Bake sale from 9 am to 2 pm. Silent auction closes at 5 pm.

For more information, contact Lisa Jackson at 621-0939, the Charlottetown Curling Club at 892-7467, or email lisa@mcaconsultants.ca.

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