Jones claims Scotties Bronze with 8-6 win (CCA)

(by Fred Rinne). It’s the game nobody aims to play in, but once there it’s not a game anyone wants to lose. The Bronze Medal game was played at the Scotties at the EnMax Centre in Red Deer Sunday morning, and Jennifer Jones’ Manitoba crew coming off a heart-wrenching loss to Alberta’s Heather Nedohin in Saturday’s semi-final, regained their composure for an 8-6 win over Quebec’s Marie-France Larouche.

The Manitobans put up a deuce in one, before Quebec answered with two of their own.

Jones wins the Bronze Medal game at the 2012 Scotties Tournament of Hearts. (Photo by: Andrew Klaver)

Jennifer Clark-Rouire played the first two ends at lead, with Dawn Askin up to the two-spot before Jill Officer rejoined the squad in the third.

Quebec stole three and four, actually Jones had a shot for as many as five in the fourth but ended up giving up the steal.

The teams swapped singles before the big end, seven, when Jones executed a perfect hit and stick for a quad, and Larouche just could not recover.

She was forced to one in eight, Jones blanked nine and made a tidy double in 10 with hammer to claim the third-place position.

Click for full story at the CCA website.

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