Five Teams Still In Hunt For Senior Men’s Title, PEI falls to 2-7

 (by Danny Lamoureux)

In a battle of 7-1 teams, Alberta’s Rob Armitage emerged unscathed, dumping BC’s Dennis Graber and now sits alone in first place, one win away from the bye to Sunday’s championship final at the Canadian Seniors in Abbotsford BC.

Armitage executed a nice double takeout in the 4th end to score two and then, following a blanked 5th end, stole two more coasting home with a 7-2 win conceded in the 9th end. Alberta faces Saskatchewan’s Eugene Hritzuk and playoff contender Robbie Gordon of Northern Ontario in his final two games.

BC’s Brian Windsor (photo by Davina)

Graber, with Brian Windsor tossing last stones, drops to 7-2, alone in second place but precariously, as he is being chased by three teams: Ontario’s Brian Lewis, Newfoundland & Labrador’s Glenn Goss and Gordon; each at 6-3.  Graber has yet to face New Brunswick and Newfoundland & Labrador.

Lewis eliminated Hritzuk from any playoff scenario winning 9-6 scoring deuces with the hammer and relinquishing singles without. The Ottawa CC skip faces PEI and Quebec in his final two games.

Gordon scored three deuces and one three ender in stopping New Brunswick’s Mark Armstrong 9-5 dropping his record to 3-6. The Sudbury judge must play the Yukon and Alberta.

Manitoba’s Kelly Robertson played well in upending NL’s Goss 6-3.  It has been a disappointing week for the defending senior men’s champion who will represent Canada next month at the world seniors in Denmark. His record here this week is now 4-5. Goss will finish up against BC and PEI.

Pierre Charette’s Quebec foursome had his dreams of making the playoffs dashed in a 6-4 loss to previously winless George Hilderman of the Yukon. Hilderman calmly drew the button against two Quebec counters for his first win of the competition. Quebec is 4-5 and Yukon is 1-8.

The final game of this draw was a runaway victory for Dave McCusker of Nova Scotia 11-1 over PEI’s Charlie Wilkinson. The NS squad are 3-6 and PEI sits in 11th place at 2-7.

The top three teams make the playoffs with the first place team receiving the bye to the final while the second and third place teams meet in the semi final. The semis are scheduled for Saturday, March 24 at 10:00pm EST and the championship final will be played Sunday, March 25 at 2:00 pm EST.

Click to read this story at the CCA website.

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