Newfoundland/Labrador men, Sask. women win Cdn. Masters

The Merle Kopach team from the Saskatoon Granite Curling Club scored four points in the 7th end in a 9-5 win over the Joyce Potter team from the Rideau Curling Club in Ottawa to win the women’s section, while the Toby McDonald foursome from the Bally Hally Country Club in St. John’s NL downed the Lawren Steventon team from Quebec’s Glenmore curling club by a 10-4 score, taking six points in the sixth end, to win the men’s section of the Canadian Masters Curling Championship, which wrapped up Sunday afternoon in Boucherville Quebec.

PEI was the only province without an entry in this event. The 2013 Masters will take place at the Port Arthur club in Thunder Bay.

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