ALBERTON — Final touches were being put to the ice last week at the Western Community Curling Club in Alberton. Directors and volunteers have given assurances the ice will be ready for free curling starting Monday, November 4.

Daryl MacDonald, from left, Walter Callaghan and Robbie Roberts put the finishing touches to the houses in the Western Community Curling Club. With the circles now painted, just a few more floods are needed to get the curling ice ready for a new season. An open house and free curling for anyone who wants to try the sport will be held in the club Monday to Wednesday, November 4 to 6, from 7 to 9 p.m.
The club is holding an Open House Monday to Wednesday to introduce non-curlers to the sport and to give regulars some pre-season practice time.
Click for full story in the Journal Pioneer
MONTAGUE – The Montague Curling Club are holding Open Houses with free curling instruction Monday through Thursday evenings this week, beginning at 6:30 each evening. As well, the signup sheets for league pay are now up on the bulletin board.
CRAPAUD – League play starts this week at the Crapaud Community Curling Club, who are reporting that the still have room for teams in the nightly leagues:
Monday and Wednesday Rec. leagues, Tuesday 2 on 2 league, Thursday semi competitive league. If you are looking for a team, or looking for players let them know, and they will match you up.
Junior (after school) Registration is Nov 5 at 7:00pm.
1st after school session is Monday, Nov 18th 3:00-4:30pm.
The Crapaud club is holding a cash lottery draw as a fundraiser this year.
Tickets are $100 each and they are only selling 100 tickets.
There will be a draw for $500 at the end of November, December, January, and February, with a $2000 prize draw at the Meltdown in April.