Crapaud club delaying Pre-Season curling startup by a week due to plant problem, holding fundraisers

The Crapaud Curling Club started their ice plant on Monday, and a bearing went on it. They are hoping to get it repaired as soon as possible, and have contacted the curlers who have signed up for Pre-Season curling to pay their registration fees, in order that they will have sufficient funds to cover the repair.

If sufficient repair funds are obtained by Friday, and no further problems occur, this will result in a week’s delay in Pre-Season curling startup, originally scheduled to begin Sept. 4. The Club plans to extend  Pre-Season curling by a week to cover the delay.

The Club is also trying to pay down outstanding debt from previous seasons, and has created a GoFundMe account as a way to help get their debts paid. To contribute, go to:

The club is also holding a teen dance on Sept. 4 and a car rally on Oct. 24 as fundraisers.
Crapaud Curling Club Frog

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