Crapaud holding Early Registration, with 10 percent discount, on Oct. 22

Crapaud Curling Club Frog

The Crapaud Community Curling Club are holding Early Registration on October 22nd beginning at 7 pm.

Everyone who signs up on the 22nd , including new members, will receive a 10% discount. Bring a new curler and you will receive a 10% discount.

League Play

There will be money paid out this year to the 1st – $280, 2nd – $120, 3rd -$60, and 4th – $40 place teams for each league night.


Full members can curl any night and practice anytime when ice is available. One night members are only eligible to curl on one night and may curl other nights but must pay $10 spare fee, and, if they wish to practice, must pay the $40 per hour per sheet fee. If a one night member or nonmember is practising with full members they must pay $10 fee.

1 Night Member   
10% discount   
20% discount   
Full Member   
10% discount  
20% discount   
Junior Full Member    
10% discount   
Junior Novice   

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