Reminder: Application deadline is Sept. 15 for PEI Curling Hall of Fame student bursaries

The Prince Edward Island Curling Hall of Fame is once again offering bursaries to junior curlers from PEI who will be attending college or university in the upcoming season. This academic year there are two $1000 bursaries, one for a female curler, one for a male, plus two $500 bursaries, one for a female curler, one for a male, for a total of $3000. Bursaries are awarded based on financial need and passion for the game.

Application Deadline is September 15, 2021

To be eligible to apply for a bursary, an applicant must be eligible to participate in provincial junior playdowns for the upcoming curling season. Also, an applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student at the university or college they are attending. An applicant can only be awarded one bursary.

Please submit your application form via email to Derek MacEwen at

The information provided will be kept confidential.

Click to download Bursary Application Form in MS Word Format

Click to download Bursary Application form in Adobe PDF format

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