3 more teams needed for Saturday Playday-Payday League at Cornwall (open to all clubs) to take place. Signup by 9 pm Friday

Five teams have now signed up – a minimum of three more are needed! Register by Friday at 9 pm!

After asking for and receiving feedback from a number of interested curlers, the Cornwall Curling Club has moved the draw time for the new Saturday Playday-Payday League (open to all clubs) to 1:30* pm on most days (See below).

This is an OPEN League and welcomes teams from across the province for the same entry fee!! 
There will be 8 weeks of curling~ beginning on October 23rd and ending on December 18th. 
This league would offer an opportunity for teams to get some weekend curling time before the new year… and also WIN cash! 
Minimum $1,000.00 in prize money to be awarded!! 
*six sessions will take place at 1:30 pm, one will take place at 6:30 pm and one at 8:30 pm, as follows: 
October 23rd, 30th, Nov 6th, 27th, plus Dec 11th and 18th at 1:30 pm
Dec 4th at 6:30 pm 
Nov 20th at 8:30 pm
No curling on Nov 13th as noted previously
Deadline to Register for the league: Friday, October 15th at 9 pm. 
 Everyone welcome*! 
You do not need to be a Cornwall Curling Club member to participate. OPEN to all Island teams! Team entry at $400.00+HST — not limited to four curlers (this is much like the commercial league format) in order to allow for players who may be travelling on weekends to have coverage.  
~A minimum of 8 teams is required for this league to run. 
~First 8 teams registered will get into the 6:30 draw. 
~If 8 more teams enter, there will be a Playday Payday 2! New teams, new second draw following the first one! New prize handout of $1,000.00! Teams from the early draw will be welcome to join this draw if it doesn’t fill up with new teams. 
*Junior teams will be allowed to curl in this league if spots are available upon registration end date of October 18th. In the case of multiple interested Junior teams and fewer spots than interested Junior teams, a skill assessment may be required, and playability approval of a 3-person evaluation committee.
Register at:
Or by email to cornwallcurling@eastlink.ca 

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