NCCP Courses your coaches need

NCCP Courses your coaches need in your sport

Sport PEI receives quite a few calls/emails regarding what Multi-Sport Module (MSM) NCCP Coaching Courses that are offered.

As many of you know, the old NCCP system of Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, etc… no longer exists.  If you want more information on “where you fit” in the new system as a coach please check this out:–p150095

Attached are 3 charts detailing which courses you need for your sport depending on “where you fit”.  The charts are for the 3 different contexts of Instructor Beginner, Competition Introduction (replaced the old level 2) and Competition Development (replaced the old level 3).

Here is a description of each color:

•             Integrated (RED)  -courses fully taken within the sport and offered by your sport

•             Required MSMs (GREEN) – courses taken with coaches from other sports and offered by Sport PEI

•             Optional MSMs (YELLOW) – for professional development

•             Which contexts are in development (LT. GREY) – this means that the National Sport Organisation (NSO) for the sport is currently developing these courses

•             Which contexts are not available (DK. GREY) – this means that the National Sport Organisation (NSO) for the sport decided that this context is not appropriate for the sport and no coaching course with be offered in this context

Basically, if the course is in Yellow or Green we offer it through Sport PEI and if it is Red it is offered by your sport’s Provincial Sport Organisation (PSO).

Take a look at the charts and where you fit in the sport as a coach and let me know if you have any other questions.

Click to view PDF of all sports

Jamie Whynacht

Leadership Training Coordinator

Sport PEI

P.O. Box 302

Charlottetown, PE

C1A 7K7


902-368-4548 (f)

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