CCA adds Facebook event pages for curling championships

(CCA) Curlers and curling fans across the country are gearing up for another Season of Champions and now you can join in – on Facebook.

In addition to the Canadian Curling Association’s Official Facebook Page, we’ve launched dedicated Facebook Pages for each of our championship events. Now you can get involved in the discussion, find out who’s along for the ride, and see where the local promotions teams are popping up across the country.

Join us on Facebook and be part of the conversation!

You can “Like” pages, “Share” stories with your own Facebook Friends, and post comments about the news, photos and people involved in each championship event. With periodic and exclusive Facebook Fan contests and promotions, you’re going to want to be engaged with your favorite events for your opportunity to win great prizes throughout the curling season.

Click the links below to visit each of our new Championship Event Facebook Pages. Be sure to click the “Like” buttons and get involved in the conversations!

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