Former Maritime Masters curling champion Wilna Yeo passes away in Summerside

Wilna Yeo of Summerside passed away on Saturday at age 83. She played third on the 1995 rink, skipped by Marie Gaudet, that won both a provincial  and a Maritime Masters women’s championship. Other members of the rink were Rosemarie Pineo at second, and Lois Brown at lead stone. The team, who finished play with a 4-1 win-loss record, won all four games in extra ends.

Yeo, this time playing second, again teamed up with Gaudet as skip to win another provincial  Masters women’s crown in 1999. Mabel Gardiner, was third, and Marie Landry played lead. Masters curlers are age 60 and over.

Wilna Yeo

Click for funeral announcement


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