Montague raises $3736 at Curl for Cancer

I would like to thank everyone for a very successful Curl for Cancer. We raised $3736.00. The support from Club members and the community was absolutely amazing. It was wonderful to have Dennis Madden here to share his story of the importance of early detection. Thank you to Stirling Higginbotham our top fundraiser of $415.00. Thanks to Larry Richards and Robyn MacDonald for their assistance. I could not have done it without their help.

Thanks to Lynne Craddock, Bev Harding and Bryan Harding for helping with the selling of 50-50, gift basket tickets, bake sale and t-shirt sales. To all those that donated prizes, silent auction items backed goods and preserves. I am very grateful. Thank you to Bruce Rourke for his score keeping and Lisa Campbell for doing the trivia. In all it was an experience that won’t soon be forgotten.

Thanks Darlene Larter

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